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D Minick J.  2017.  1st Place Student Platform Presentation. Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 26th Annual Meeting.
D Minick J, Geier M, Anderson KA, Tanguay RL.  2017.  Hazard assessment of a PAH Superfund mixture in the zebrafish developmental toxicity model. Society of Toxicology 56th Annual Meeting.
D Minick J, Anderson KA.  2017.  A passive sampling model to predict PAH levels in butter clams, a traditional food source for Native American tribes of the Salish Sea Region. Superfund Program National Meeting.
Miller A, Anderson KA, Haynes EN, Lefthand-Begay C, O’Fallon L, Kwok R.  2015.  Disasters and Emerging Environmental Threats. 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Exposure Science. Henderson, Nevada.
Messier KP, Tidwell LG, Ghetu CC, Rohlman D, Scott RP, Bramer LM, Dixon H, Waters KM, Anderson KA.  2019.  Indoor versus Outdoor Air Quality during Wildfires.. Environ Sci Technol Lett. 6(12):696-701.
McLarnan SM, Bramer LM, Dixon H, Scott RP, Calero L, Holmes D, Gibson EA, Cavalier HM, Rohlman D, Miller RL et al..  2024.  Predicting personal PAH exposure using high dimensional questionnaire and wristband data.. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol.
Matzke MM, Allan SE, Anderson KA, Waters KM.  2012.  An approach for calculating a confidence interval from a single aquatic sample for monitoring hydrophobic organic contaminants.. Environ Toxicol Chem. 31(12):2888-92.
Madeen E, Siddens LK, Uesugi S, McQuistan T, Corley RA, Smith J, Waters KM, Tilton SC, Anderson KA, Ognibene TJ et al..  2019.  Toxicokinetics of benzo[a]pyrene in humans: Extensive metabolism as determined by UPLC-accelerator mass spectrometry following oral micro-dosing.. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 364:97-105.
MacDonald M, Lipscomb ST, McClelland M, Duncan R, Becker D, Anderson KA, Kile M.  2016.  Relations of Preschoolers' Visual-Motor and Object Manipulation Skills With Executive Function and Social Behavior.. Res Q Exerc Sport. 87(4):396-407.
Louch J, LaFleur LL, Woodrow DM, Wilson GR.  1998.  Experiences with EPA’s Proposed Screening Analyses for Bioconcentratable Compounds. Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Seventh Volume. 7
Louch J, Messmer G, Wilson GR.  2001.  Some Factors Affecting Chloroform Generation during Chlorine Dioxide Bleaching of Pulp. TAPPI Journal. 84(2)
Loper BR, Cobb WT, Anderson KA.  2002.  Chemical marker for ALS-inhibitor herbicides: 2-aminobutyric acid proportional in sub-lethal applications.. J Agric Food Chem. 50(9):2601-6.
Loper BR, Anderson KA.  2003.  Determination of pyrethrin and pyrethroid pesticides in urine and water matrixes by liquid chromatography with diode array detection.. J AOAC Int. 86(6):1236-40.
Lipscomb ST, McClelland M, MacDonald M, Cardenas A, Anderson KA, Kile M.  2017.  Cross-sectional study of social behaviors in preschool children and exposure to flame retardants.. Environ Health. 16(1):23.
Lepetit C, Gaber M, Zhou K, Chen H, Holmes J, Summers P, Anderson KA, Scott RP, Pope CN, Hester K et al..  2023.  Follicular DNA Damage and Pesticide Exposure Among Latinx Children in Rural and Urban Communities.
Lepetit C, Gaber M, Zhou K, Chen H, Holmes J, Summers P, Anderson KA, Scott RP, Pope CN, Hester K et al..  2024.  Follicular DNA Damage and Pesticide Exposure Among Latinx Children in Rural and Urban Communities.. Expo Health. 16(4):1039-1052.
Layshock JA, Wilson GR, Anderson KA.  2010.  Ketone and quinone-substituted polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mussel tissue, sediment, urban dust, and diesel particulate matrices.. Environ Toxicol Chem. 29(11):2450-60.
Layshock JA.  2010.  EPA Star Fellow. US Environmental Protection Agency.
Layshock JA, Simonich SM, Anderson KA.  2010.  Ketone and Quinone Substituted PAH Profiles from Remote and Urban Atmospheric Particulate Matter. SETAC North America 31st Annual Conference.
Layshock JA, Simonich SM, Anderson KA.  2010.  Effect of dibenzopyrene measurement on assessing air quality in Beijing air and possible implications for human health.. J Environ Monit. 12(12):2290-8.
LaFleur LL, Dodo G, Bousquet T, Wilson GR, Ikoma J.  1989.  Results of NCASI Analyses of Champion Internation, Cantonment Samples for Selected Chlorinated Phenolics, Total Organic Halogen and PCDD/PCDF. NCASI.
Krissanakriangkrai O.  2003.  Student Paper/Poster Award. EHA Education Conference, Assoc. of Environmental Health Academic Program, Center for Disease Control Prevention / National Center for Environmental Health Joint Meeting.
Krissanakriangkrai O.  2003.  Invited presentation, Travel award. Assoc. Envir. Health Acad. Prog, joint CDC/AEHAP/ATSDR mtg, Atlanta, GA.
Krissanakriangkrai O.  2003.  Travel grant award. National Annual Assoc. Environmental Health Education Conf. Reno, NV .
Krissanakriangkrai O.  2003.  SETAC National meeting travel grant. SETAC National meeting.
