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Our Mission

The Food Safety and Environmental Stewardship Program at Oregon State University is a research program committed to providing the highest quality analytical laboratory research support for:

  • Food Safety
  • Human safety and exposure assessment
  • Environmental integrity preservation
  • Quality insurance


To create a Food Safety and Environmental Stewardship Laboratory with dedication to disseminate knowledge and technical resources in a systems approach to Oregon food and human safety, exposure assessment, environmental stewardship, and quality assurance.



The Food Safety and Environmental Stewardship Laboratory is a progressive and responsive research and teaching group with a staff that shares the following values:

  • Commitment to quality, efficiency, empathy and client confidentially.
  • Current knowledge of area agricultural industries, food safety and quality, and environmental concerns.
  • Partnership with agricultural industries and governmental agencies.
  • Academic standards: commitment to the advancement of analytical procedures, commitment to state-of-the-art competency.
  • Team work, unity, courtesy, open communications, commitment to the mission of the program.
  • Personal leadership, positive attitude, enthusiasm, flexibility, motivation, initiative, personal growth, acceptance of responsibility at every level.
  • Trust, honesty, integrity and accountability.


The FSES research team's applied analytical and environmental research is responsive, cost effective, and scientifically accountable. The FSES laboratory operates under fully-auditable GLPs. Our program benefits many of Oregon's citizens:

  • Growers benefit from increased customer acceptance of Oregon-origin commodities
  • Consumer confidence in the wholesomeness of Oregon-produced foods increases
  • Oregon's economy and its agricultural sector gains increased marketability of their primary products
  • Growers are able to provide data and information to agencies that can calculate actual or anticipated food safety risks from agrochemical residues
  • Consumers and growers have greater access to information that supports their concerns about crop damage or the environmental impacts that result from overspray or carryover
  • Oregon taxpayers will benefit from the added value of Oregon products and increased consumer confidence in Oregon foods
  • Oregon's environmental resources