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Poutasse CM, Laurienti PJ, Anderson KA.  2017.  NORM 2017 Outstanding Poster Award. 72nd Annual Meeting of the ACS Northwest Regional Meeting (NORM): Innovation and Unanticipated Discoveries, Corvallis, OR.
D Minick J, Anderson KA.  2017.  A passive sampling model to predict PAH levels in butter clams, a traditional food source for Native American tribes of the Salish Sea Region. Superfund Program National Meeting.
Vidi P-A, Anderson KA, Chen H, Anderson R, Salvador-Moreno N, Mora DC, Poutasse CM, Laurienti PJ, Daniel SS, Arcury TA.  2017.  Personal samplers of bioavailable pesticides integrated with a hair follicle assay of DNA damage to assess environmental exposures and their associated risks in children.. Mutat Res. 822:27-33.
Vidi P-A, Anderson KA, Chen H, Anderson R, Salvador-Moreno N, Mora DC, Poutasse CM, Laurienti PJ, Daniel SS, Arcury TA.  2017.  Personal samplers of bioavailable pesticides integrated with a hair follicle assay of DNA damage to assess environmental exposures and their associated risks in children.. Mutat Res. 822:27-33.
Vidi P-A, Anderson KA, Chen H, Anderson R, Salvador-Moreno N, Mora DC, Poutasse CM, Laurienti PJ, Daniel SS, Arcury TA.  2017.  Personal samplers of bioavailable pesticides integrated with a hair follicle assay of DNA damage to assess environmental exposures and their associated risks in children.. Mutat Res. 822:27-33.
Anderson KA, Points GL, Donald CE, Dixon H, Scott RP, Wilson GR, Tidwell LG, Hoffman PD, Herbstman J, O'Connell SG.  2017.  Preparation and performance features of wristband samplers and considerations for chemical exposure assessment.. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol.
Reams M.  2017.  Response, Recovery, and Resilience to Oil Spills and Environmental Disasters: Exploration and Use of Novel Approaches to Enhance Community Resilience. Journal of Environmental Health. 80
Bergmann AJ, Tanguay RL, Anderson KA.  2017.  Using passive sampling and zebrafish to identify developmental toxicants in complex mixtures.. Environ Toxicol Chem.
Poutasse CM, Laurienti PJ, Anderson KA.  2017.  Youth Para-Occupational Exposures to Pesticide Mixtures. Food Safety and Environmental Stewardship (FSES) External Advisory Council (EAC), Corvallis, OR.
Donald CE, Anderson KA.  2016.  Adapting passive samplers to investigate PAH and PCB flux from soil to air. Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2016 Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Tidwell LG, Paulik LB, Anderson KA.  2016.  Air-Water Exchange of PAHs and OPAHs at a Superfund Mega-site. SETAC North America Orlando Florida .
Hobbie KA, Rooney N, Scott RP, Anderson KA.  2016.  An alternative method to produce shikimic acid chemical feedstock by applying glyphosate to forage crops. Crop Science. TBD(TBD)
Dixon H, Scott RP, Holmes D, Calero L, Kincl LD, Waters KM, Camann D, Calafat AM, Herbstman J, Anderson KA.  2016.  Assessing PAH exposures with multiple approaches including silicone wristbands. International Society of Exposure Science 26th Annual Meeting, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Dixon H, Scott RP, Holmes D, Calero L, Kincl LD, Waters KM, Camann D, Herbstman J, Anderson KA.  2016.  Assessing PAH exposures with multiple approaches including silicone wristbands. NIEHS 50th Anniversary FEST, Durham, North Carolina.
Donald CE, Anderson KA.  2016.  Assessing soil-air partitioning of PAHs and PCBs at Superfund and environmental disaster sites with a new fugacity passive sampler. SRP Annual Meeting and NIEHS Fest .
Teeguarden JG, Tan Y-M, Edwards SW, Leonard JA, Anderson KA, Corley RA, Kile M, Simonich SM, Stone D, Tanguay RL et al..  2016.  Completing the Link between Exposure Science and Toxicology for Improved Environmental Health Decision Making: The Aggregate Exposure Pathway Framework.. Environ Sci Technol. 50(9):4579-86.
Bergmann AJ.  2016.  Confirmation of free fatty acids as toxic components of passive sampling device extracts from Portland Harbor. EMT Research Day. Corvallis, OR..
Bergmann AJ, Tanguay RL, Anderson KA.  2016.  Confirmation of Free Fatty Acids as Toxic Components of Passive Sampler Extracts from Portland Harbor. Superfund Research Program External Advisory Council, Oregon State University.
D Minick J.  2016.  Diffusive flux of PAHs across sediment, water, and air interfaces at urban Superfund Sites. SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
D Minick J.  2016.  Diffusive flux of PAHs across sediment, water, and air interfaces at urban Superfund Sites. NIEHS FEST.
Bergmann AJ, North PE, Vasquez L, Bello H, Ruiz Mdel Carmen, Anderson KA.  2016.  Distribution of chemical exposures in rural Peru using silicone wristbands. Environmental Health Sciences and Superfund Research Program Colloquium.
Bergmann AJ, North PE, Vasquez L, Bello H, Ruiz Mdel Carmen, Anderson KA.  2016.  Distribution of multi-class chemical exposure in rural Peru measured with silicone wristbands. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
Paulik LB, Donald CE, Smith BW, Tidwell LG, Hobbie KA, Kincl LD, Haynes EN, Anderson KA.  2016.  Emissions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Natural Gas Extraction into Air.. Environ Sci Technol. 50(14):7921-9.
Anderson KA.  2016.  Empowering People: Personal Wristband Passive Sampling Nexus. 2016 Environmental Health Summit: Community Engaged Research and Citizen Science.
Hammel SC, Hoffman K, Webster TF, Anderson KA, Stapleton HM.  2016.  Measuring Personal Exposure to Organophosphate Flame Retardants Using Silicone Wristbands and Hand Wipes.. Environ Sci Technol. 50(8):4483-91.
