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Hobbie KA, Smith BW, Anderson KA.  2010.  Can consumers trust salmon production method labels through the use of chemical profiling? platform presentation, ACS Spring Conference.
Haigh TA.  2007.  Conference Award. NEMC (National Environmental Monitoring Conference), Cambridge, MA.
Donald CE, O'Connell SG, Allan SE, Tanguay RL, Anderson KA.  2013.  Correlating OPAH concentrations with zebrafish toxicity of Deepwater Horizon samples: a bottom-up approach. SETAC North America National Meeting, Nashville, TN.
Donald CE, O'Connell SG, Allan SE, Tanguay RL, Anderson KA.  2013.  Correlating OPAH concentrations with zebrafish toxicity of Gulf of Mexico samples around the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: a bottom-up approach. FSES Advisory Council, Corvallis, OR.
Donald CE, O'Connell SG, Allan SE, Tanguay RL, Anderson KA.  2014.  Correlating OPAH concentrations with zebrafish toxicity of Deepwater Horizon samples: a bottom-up approach. EMT Research Day, Corvallis, OR .
Donald CE, Allan SE, O'Connell SG, Smith BW, Tanguay RL, Anderson KA.  2014.  Component-based analysis of OPAH interaction effects in zebrafish. SETAC North America 35th Annual Meeting.
Donald CE, O'Connell SG, Allan SE, Tanguay RL, Anderson KA.  2013.  Correlating OPAH concentrations with zebrafish toxicity of Gulf of Mexico samples around the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: a bottom-up approach. International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Corvallis, OR.
Donald CE, O'Connell SG, Tanguay RL, Anderson KA.  2013.  Correlating OPAH concentrations with embryonic zebrafish toxicity of Gulf of Mexico samples around the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: a bottom-up approach.. FSES Advisory Council Meeting.
Doherty BT, McRitchie SL, Pathmasiri WW, Stewart DA, Kirchner D, Anderson KA, Gui J, Madan JC, Hoen AG, Sumner SJ et al..  2022.  Chemical exposures assessed via silicone wristbands and endogenous plasma metabolomics during pregnancy.. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 32(2):259-267.
Dobbins DL, Chen H, Cepeda MJ, Berenson L, Talton JW, Anderson KA, Burdette JH, Quandt SA, Arcury TA, Laurienti PJ.  2022.  Comparing impact of pesticide exposure on cognitive abilities of Latinx children from rural farmworker and urban non-farmworker families in North Carolina.. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 92:107106.
