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Journal Article
Rivera BN, Wilson LB, Kim DNam, Pande P, Anderson KA, Tanguay RL.  2022.  A Comparative Multi-System Approach to Characterizing Bioactivity of Commonly Occurring Chemicals.. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 19(7)
Dobbins DL, Chen H, Cepeda MJ, Berenson L, Talton JW, Anderson KA, Burdette JH, Quandt SA, Arcury TA, Laurienti PJ.  2022.  Comparing impact of pesticide exposure on cognitive abilities of Latinx children from rural farmworker and urban non-farmworker families in North Carolina.. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 92:107106.
Quandt SA, Smith SA, Arcury TA, Chen H, Hester K, Pope CN, Anderson KA, Laurienti PJ.  2023.  Comparing Longitudinal Measures of Cholinesterase as Biomarkers for Insecticide Exposure Among Latinx Children in Rural Farmworker and Urban Non-Farmworker Communities in North Carolina.. J Occup Environ Med.
Teeguarden JG, Tan Y-M, Edwards SW, Leonard JA, Anderson KA, Corley RA, Kile M, Simonich SM, Stone D, Tanguay RL et al..  2016.  Completing the Link between Exposure Science and Toxicology for Improved Environmental Health Decision Making: The Aggregate Exposure Pathway Framework.. Environ Sci Technol. 50(9):4579-86.
Ghetu CC, Moran I L, Scott RP, Tidwell LG, Hoffman PD, Anderson KA.  2023.  Concurrent assessment of diffusive and advective PAH movement strongly affected by temporal and spatial changes.. Sci Total Environ. :168765.
Vermeulen R, Downward GS, Zhang J, Hu W, Portengen L, Bassig BA, S Hammond K, Y Y Wong J, Li J, Reiss B et al..  2019.  Constituents of Household Air Pollution and Risk of Lung Cancer among Never-Smoking Women in Xuanwei and Fuyuan, China.. Environ Health Perspect. 127(9):97001.
Lipscomb ST, McClelland M, MacDonald M, Cardenas A, Anderson KA, Kile M.  2017.  Cross-sectional study of social behaviors in preschool children and exposure to flame retardants.. Environ Health. 16(1):23.
Bramer LM, Dixon H, Degnan DJ, Rohlman D, Herbstman J, Anderson KA, Waters KM.  2023.  Data to Accompany: Expanding the access of wearable silicone wristbands in community-engaged research through best practices in data analysis and integration.
Rohlman D, Samon S, Allan SE, Barton ML, Dixon H, Ghetu CC, Tidwell LG, Hoffman PD, Oluyomi AO, Symanski E et al..  2022.  Designing Equitable, Transparent Community-Engaged Disaster Research.. Citiz Sci. 7(1)
Samon S, Rohlman D, Tidwell LG, Hoffman PD, Oluyomi AO, Walker C, Bondy M, Anderson KA.  2023.  Determinants of exposure to endocrine disruptors following hurricane Harvey.. Environ Res. :114867.
Harley KG, Parra KL, Camacho J, Bradman A, Nolan JES, Lessard C, Anderson KA, Poutasse CM, Scott RP, Lazaro G et al..  2019.  Determinants of pesticide concentrations in silicone wristbands worn by Latina adolescent girls in a California farmworker community: The COSECHA youth participatory action study.. Sci Total Environ. 652:1022-1029.
Anderson KA, Isaacs B.  1994.  Determination of Antimony in Environmental Samples by Hydride Generation–Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry Get access Arrow. AOAC International. 77
Forsberg ND, Wilson GR, Anderson KA.  2011.  Determination of parent and substituted polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in high-fat salmon using a modified QuEChERS extraction, dispersive SPE and GC-MS.. J Agric Food Chem. 59(15):8108-16.
Loper BR, Anderson KA.  2003.  Determination of pyrethrin and pyrethroid pesticides in urine and water matrixes by liquid chromatography with diode array detection.. J AOAC Int. 86(6):1236-40.
Anderson KA, Isaacs B.  1993.  Determination of Selenium in Feeds, Premixes, Supplements and Injectable Solutions by ICP-AES Hydride Generation. AOAC International. 76
Anderson KA, Tschirgi ML.  1997.  Determination of trace boron in microsamples of biological tissues.. Biol Trace Elem Res. 60(1-2):27-37.
O'Connell SG, Anderson KA, Epstein MI.  2022.  Determining chemical air equivalency using silicone personal monitors.. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 32(2):268-279.
Anderson KA, Magnuson BA, Tschirgi ML, Smith B.  1999.  Determining the geographic origin of potatoes with trace metal analysis using statistical and neural network classifiers.. J Agric Food Chem. 47(4):1568-75.
Riley KW, Burke K, Dixon H, Holmes D, Calero L, Barton M, Miller RL, Bramer LM, Waters KM, Anderson KA et al..  2024.  Development and Outcomes of Returning Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposure Results in the Washington Heights, NYC Community.. Environ Health Insights. 18:11786302241262604.
Rohlman D, Dixon H, Kincl LD, Larkin A, Evoy R, Barton ML, Phillips A, Peterson ES, Scaffidi C, Herbstman J et al..  2019.  Development of an environmental health tool linking chemical exposures, physical location and lung function.. BMC Public Health. 19(1):854.
Bergmann AJ, Points GL, Scott RP, Wilson GR, Anderson KA.  2018.  Development of quantitative screen for 1550 chemicals with GC-MS.. Anal Bioanal Chem. 410(13):3101-3110.
Yang D, Kim K H, Phimister A, Bachstetter AD, Ward TR, Stackman RW, Mervis RF, Wisniewski AB, Klein SL, Kodavanti P RS et al..  2009.  Developmental exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls interferes with experience-dependent dendritic plasticity and ryanodine receptor expression in weanling rats.. Environ Health Perspect. 117(3):426-35.
Perez AL, Anderson KA.  2009.  DGT estimates cadmium accumulation in wheat and potato from phosphate fertilizer applications.. Sci Total Environ. 407(18):5096-103.
Gibson EA, Stapleton HM, Calero L, Holmes D, Burke K, Martinez R, Cortes B, Nematollahi A, Evans D, Anderson KA et al..  2019.  Differential exposure to organophosphate flame retardants in mother-child pairs.. Chemosphere. 219:567-573.
D Minick J, Anderson KA.  2017.  Diffusive flux of PAHs across sediment-water and water-air interfaces at urban superfund sites.. Environ Toxicol Chem. 36(9):2281-2289.
