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Assessing wildfire influence on indoor and outdoor chemical concentrations and diffusive flux between soils and air of PAHs in the Western United States. Protecting our water future for human and environmental health Research Symposium, Oregon State University Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Research Day, Corvallis, OR.
Dixon H, AJ B, Halbleib ML, Haynes EN, Herbstman J, Hoffman PD, Jepson PC, Kile M, Kincl LD, Laurienti PJ et al..
Comparing Chemical Exposures Across Diverse Communities Using Silicone Wristbands. Total Exposure Health Conference, Bethesda, MD.
Dixon H, Bergmann AJ, Halbleib ML, Haynes EN, Herbstman J, Hoffman PD, Jepson PC, Kile M, Kincl LD, Laurienti PJ et al..
Comparing chemical exposures across diverse communities using silicone wristbands. 3rd Tribal Environmental Health Summit, Corvallis, OR.