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Moran I L, RL T, KM W, KA A.  2020.  Role of Alkylated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mixture Toxicity from a Legacy Creosote Site. NIEHS Superfund Research Program Annual Meeting.
Moran I L, RL T, KM W, KA A.  2020.  Role of Alkylated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mixture Toxicity from a Legacy Creosote Site. SETAC North America.
Moran I L, RL T, KM W, KA A.  2021.  Role of Alkylated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mixture Toxicity from a Legacy Creosote Site. Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Departmental Seminar.
Smith BW, Anderson KA.  2000.  “River of Risk” 1) The Willamette’s Poisoned Heritage, 2) Fishing and Health, 3) Trail of Toxics, and 4) Past to Future, all 4 days cover story. The Oregonian.
Dodo G, Wilson GR, Ikoma J.  1989.  Results of NCASI Analyses of the Scott Paper, Everett Treated Effluent Sample for Selected Resin/Fatty Acids, Chlorinated Phenolic Compounds and Total Organic Halogen. NCASI.
LaFleur LL, Dodo G, Bousquet T, Wilson GR, Ikoma J.  1989.  Results of NCASI Analyses of Champion Internation, Cantonment Samples for Selected Chlorinated Phenolics, Total Organic Halogen and PCDD/PCDF. NCASI.
Hays JB, Blaustein AR, Kiesecker JM, Hoffman PD, Pandelova I.  1996.  Responses of amphibians to solar and artificial UV light: photorepair, survival, and developmental effects. Proceedings International Congress of Photobiology, Vienna, Austria.
O'Connell SG, Carozza S, Kerkvliet NI, Anderson KA.  2014.  Response to comment on "Silicone wristbands as personal passive samplers".. Environ Sci Technol. 48(15):8927.
Reams M.  2017.  Response, Recovery, and Resilience to Oil Spills and Environmental Disasters: Exploration and Use of Novel Approaches to Enhance Community Resilience. Journal of Environmental Health. 80
Visalli S.  2002.  Research Scholarship. URISC, AC.
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Rohlman D, Kincl LD, Dixon H, Evoy R, Barton ML, Anderson KA.  2018.  Research and reporting back: Community-engaged investigation around asthma and air pollution. Seminar at the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health and NIEHS Center, New York City, NY.
Paulik LB.  2015.  Research Ambassador. Elsevier's STM Digest.
Rohlman D, Elam S., Paulik LB, Anderson KA, Haynes EN, Kincl LD.  2014.  Reporting air quality data to a rural Appalachian community concerned about unconventional natural gas drilling. Partnerships for Environmental Public Health Meeting. Research Triangle Park, NC.
MacDonald M, Lipscomb ST, McClelland M, Duncan R, Becker D, Anderson KA, Kile M.  2016.  Relations of Preschoolers' Visual-Motor and Object Manipulation Skills With Executive Function and Social Behavior.. Res Q Exerc Sport. 87(4):396-407.
Scott RP, Donald CE, Bergmann AJ, Anderson KA.  2015.  Rapid GC-ECD method for quantitative analysis of 63 pesticides optimized for use with silicone wristbands and low density polyethylene.. SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Hoffman PD, Dixon H, Rohlman D, Tidwell LG, Barton ML, Anderson KA.  2018.  Rapid deployment of passive sampling wristbands in response to Hurricane Harvey; Community engagement and reporting.. SETAC.