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Rohlman D, Arkin L, Anderson KA, Kincl LD.  2014.  A Community-based EHSC Pilot Project: Using focus group methodology to improve the mobile exposure device. Environmental Health Sciences Center Poster Session. Corvallis, OR.
Rohlman D, Kincl LD, Anderson KA, Haynes EN, Elam S..  2014.  A Community-Based, Inter-University Collaboration: Using Focus Group Methodology within Environmental Justice Communities to Design and Test a Mobile Exposure Device. EHS Center Meeting. Los Angeles, CA.
Haynes EN, Kincl LD, Anderson KA, Rohlman D, Elam S., Feezel P., Kuhnell P., Hobbie KA, Tidwell LG, Paulik LB et al..  2014.  Impact of Unconventional Natural Gas Drilling on Air Quality in Easter Ohio: A Collaborative Supplement between the University of Cincinnati and Oregon State University. EHS Center Meeting. Los Angeles, CA..
Paulik LB, Rohlman D, Donatuto J, Woodward C, Kile M, Anderson KA, Harding A.  2014.  Improving techniques for estimating butter clam (Saxidomus gigantea) contamination in the Salish Sea. Samish Indian Nation Department of Natural Resources-Fidalgo Bay Science Conference, Anacortes, WA.
Hobbie KA, Scott RP, Rohlman D, Kincl LD, Scaffidi C, Peterson ES, Waters KM, Anderson KA.  2014.  The Mobile Exposure Device: a Personal Sampling Nexus for Exposure Monitoring. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 34th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Rohlman D, Elam S., Paulik LB, Anderson KA, Haynes EN, Kincl LD.  2014.  Reporting air quality data to a rural Appalachian community concerned about unconventional natural gas drilling. Partnerships for Environmental Public Health Meeting. Research Triangle Park, NC.
Ghetu CC, Rohlman D, Anderson KA.  2020.  Assessing wildfire influence on indoor and outdoor chemical concentrations and diffusive flux between soils and air of PAHs in the Western United States. Protecting our water future for human and environmental health Research Symposium, Oregon State University Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Research Day, Corvallis, OR.
Rivera BN, Ghetu CC, Rohlman D, Adams KA, Anderson KA.  2020.  A Comprehensive Comparison of Indoor vs Outdoor Air Quality Across the United States. International Society of Exposure Science.
