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Atusingwize E, Rohlman D, Hoffman PD, Wafula STsebeni, Musoke D, Buregyeya E, Mugambe RK, Ndejjo R, Ssempebwa JC, Anderson KA.  2023.  Chemical contaminant exposures assessed using silicone wristbands among fuel station attendants, taxi drivers and commercial motorcycle riders in Kampala, Uganda.. Arch Environ Occup Health. :1-11.
Arcury TA, Chen H, Quandt SA, Talton JW, Anderson KA, Scott RP, Summers P, Laurienti PJ.  2023.  Pesticide Exposure among Latinx Children in Rural Farmworker and Urban Non-Farmworker Communities: Associations with Locality and Season.. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 20(9)
Arcury TA, Chen H, Arnold TJ, Quandt SA, Anderson KA, Scott RP, Talton JW, Daniel SS.  2021.  Pesticide exposure among Latinx child farmworkers in North Carolina.. Am J Ind Med.
Arcury TA, Chen H, Quandt SA, Talton JW, Anderson KA, Scott RP, Jensen A, Laurienti PJ.  2020.  Pesticide exposure among Latinx children: Comparison of children in rural, farmworker and urban, non-farmworker communities.. Sci Total Environ. 763:144233.
Anderson KA, Smith BW.  2002.  Chemical Profiling to Differentiating Geographic Growing Origin of Coffee. J Agric Food Chem. 50(7):2068-75.
Anderson KA, Johnson ER.  2001.  Bioavailable organochlorine pesticides in a semi-arid region of eastern Oregon, USA, as determined by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection.. J AOAC Int. 84(5):1371-82.
Anderson KA, Basile JL, Johnson ER.  2005.  Analytical method for dimethenamid-P in selected raw agricultural commodities by gas chromatography with electron capture detection.. J AOAC Int. 88(5):1428-32.
Anderson KA, Sethajintanin D, Sower GJ, Quarles L.  2008.  Field trial and modeling of uptake rates of in situ lipid-free polyethylene membrane passive sampler.. Environ Sci Technol. 42(12):4486-93.
Anderson KA, Points GL, Donald CE, Dixon H, Scott RP, Wilson GR, Tidwell LG, Hoffman PD, Herbstman J, O'Connell SG.  2017.  Preparation and performance features of wristband samplers and considerations for chemical exposure assessment.. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol.
Anderson KA, Smith BW.  2006.  Seasonal and Variety Effects on Stable Isotope Profiling to Determine Geographic Growing Origin of Pistachios. J Agric Food Chem. 54(5):1747-52.
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Anderson KA, Markowski P.  2000.  Speciation of iodide, iodine, and iodate in environmental matrixes by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry using in situ chemical manipulation.. J AOAC Int. 83(1):225-30.
Anderson KA, Case TE.  2008.  Evaluation of plant nitrate extraction techniques and effect on commonly used analytical methods of detection. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 30(1495)
Anderson KA, Magnuson BA, Tschirgi ML, Smith B.  1999.  Determining the geographic origin of potatoes with trace metal analysis using statistical and neural network classifiers.. J Agric Food Chem. 47(4):1568-75.
Anderson KA, Szelewski MJ, Wilson GR, Quimby BD, Hoffman PD.  2015.  Modified ion source triple quadrupole mass spectrometer gas chromatograph for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon analyses.. J Chromatogr A. 1419:89-98.
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Anderson KA, Casey B, Diaz E, Markowski P, Write B.  2020.  Speciation and Determination of Dissolved Iodide and Iodine in Environmental Aqueous Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry . AOAC International. 79(756)
Anderson KA, Moller G.  1995.  Alternative catalyst to mercury for Kjeldahl determination of nitrogen in water and wastewater samples . AOAC International. 78(1519)
Anderson KA, Isaacs B.  1995.  Simultaneous Determination of Arsenic, Selenium, and Antimony in Environmental Samples by Hydride Generation for Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry Get access Arrow. AOAC International. 78
Anderson KA, Isaacs B.  1994.  Determination of Antimony in Environmental Samples by Hydride Generation–Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry Get access Arrow. AOAC International. 77
