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Riley KW, Burke K, Dixon H, Holmes D, Calero L, Barton M, Miller RL, Bramer LM, Waters KM, Anderson KA et al..  2024.  Development and Outcomes of Returning Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposure Results in the Washington Heights, NYC Community.. Environ Health Insights. 18:11786302241262604.
O'Connell SG, Haigh TA, Wilson GR, Anderson KA.  2012.  Development and Validation of Complementary LCMS and GCMS Methods to Examine Oxygenated-PAHs (OPAHs) in Environmental Mixtures. 25th Annual Meeting of the Superfund Research Program.
Rohlman D, Dixon H, Kincl LD, Larkin A, Evoy R, Barton ML, Phillips A, Peterson ES, Scaffidi C, Herbstman J et al..  2019.  Development of an environmental health tool linking chemical exposures, physical location and lung function.. BMC Public Health. 19(1):854.
Rohlman D, Hobbie KA, Barton ML, Willmarth JA, Kincl LD, Anderson KA.  2015.  Development of an online platform to promote environmental public health within citizen scientists. SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Forsberg ND, Wilson GR, Anderson KA.  2011.  Development of modified QuEChERS extraction methods for the analysis of PAHs in high fat content fish and smoked salmon. Superfund External Advisory Council Meeting.
Forsberg ND, Wilson GR, Anderson KA.  2011.  Development of modified QuEChERS extraction methods for the analysis of PAHs in high fat content fish and smoked salmon. SETAC North America 32nd Annual Conference.
Bergmann AJ, Points GL, Scott RP, Wilson GR, Anderson KA.  2018.  Development of quantitative screen for 1550 chemicals with GC-MS.. Anal Bioanal Chem. 410(13):3101-3110.
Yang D, Kim K H, Phimister A, Bachstetter AD, Ward TR, Stackman RW, Mervis RF, Wisniewski AB, Klein SL, Kodavanti P RS et al..  2009.  Developmental exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls interferes with experience-dependent dendritic plasticity and ryanodine receptor expression in weanling rats.. Environ Health Perspect. 117(3):426-35.
Allan SE, Tanguay RL, Anderson KA.  2011.  Developmental toxicity of bioavailable contaminants from the Portland Harbor Superfund site: Bridging environmental mixtures and toxic effects. SETAC North America 32nd Annual Conference.
Perez AL, Anderson KA.  2009.  DGT estimates cadmium accumulation in wheat and potato from phosphate fertilizer applications.. Sci Total Environ. 407(18):5096-103.
Gibson EA, Stapleton HM, Calero L, Holmes D, Burke K, Martinez R, Cortes B, Nematollahi A, Evans D, Anderson KA et al..  2019.  Differential exposure to organophosphate flame retardants in mother-child pairs.. Chemosphere. 219:567-573.
D Minick J.  2016.  Diffusive flux of PAHs across sediment, water, and air interfaces at urban Superfund Sites. SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
D Minick J.  2016.  Diffusive flux of PAHs across sediment, water, and air interfaces at urban Superfund Sites. NIEHS FEST.
D Minick J, Anderson KA.  2017.  Diffusive flux of PAHs across sediment-water and water-air interfaces at urban Superfund sites and economic Implications. American Chemical Socieity National Meeting.
D Minick J, Anderson KA.  2017.  Diffusive flux of PAHs across sediment-water and water-air interfaces at urban superfund sites.. Environ Toxicol Chem. 36(9):2281-2289.
Moran I L, Tidwell LG, Barton ML, Kile M, Miller P, Rohlman D, Seguinot-Medina S, Ungwiluk B, Waghiyi V, Anderson KA.  2023.  Diffusive fluxes of persistent organic pollutants between Arctic atmosphere, surface waters and sediments.. Sci Total Environ. :164566.
Miller A, Anderson KA, Haynes EN, Lefthand-Begay C, O’Fallon L, Kwok R.  2015.  Disasters and Emerging Environmental Threats. 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Exposure Science. Henderson, Nevada.
Dixon H, Armstrong G, Barton ML, AJ B, Bondy M, Halbleib ML, Haynes EN, Herbstman J, Hamilton W, Hoffman PD et al..  2018.  Discovery of common chemical exposures across three continents using silicone wristbands. FSES External Advisory Committee Meeting, Yachats, OR.
Dixon H, Armstrong G, Barton ML, Bergmann AJ, Bondy M, Halbleib ML, Hamilton W, Haynes EN, Herbstman J, Hoffman PD et al..  2019.  Discovery of common chemical exposures across three continents using silicone wristbands.. R Soc Open Sci. 6(2):181836.
Dixon H, Armstrong G, Barton ML, Bergmann AJ, Bondy M, Halbleib ML, Haynes EN, Herbstman J, Hamilton W, Hoffman PD et al..  2019.  Discovery of common chemical exposures across three continents using silicone wristbands. EMT Research Day, Corvallis, OR.
Poutasse CM, Poston WSCarlos, Jahnke SA, Haddock CK, Tidwell LG, Anderson KA.  2019.  Discovery of Firefighter chemical Exposures Using Military-Style Silicone Dog Tags. Military Health System Research Symposium, Kissimmee, FL.
Poutasse CM, Poston WSCarlos, Jahnke SA, Haddock CK, Tidwell LG, Hoffman PD, Anderson KA.  2020.  Discovery of firefighter chemical exposures using military-style silicone dog tags.. Environ Int. 142:105818.
Poutasse CM, Jahnke SA, Poston WSCarlos, Haddock CK, Tidwell LG, Hoffman PD, Anderson KA.  2020.  Discovery of Firefighter Chemical Exposures Using Military-Style Silicone Dog Tags. 10th Annual OSU EMT Research Day, Corvallis, OR.
Poutasse CM, Poston WSCarlos, Jahnke SA, Haddock CK, Tidwell LG, Anderson KA.  2019.  Discovery of Firefighter Chemical Exposures using Military-Style Silicone Dog Tags. SETAC North America 40th Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.
Bergmann AJ, North PE, Vasquez L, Bello H, Ruiz Mdel Carmen, Anderson KA.  2016.  Distribution of chemical exposures in rural Peru using silicone wristbands. Environmental Health Sciences and Superfund Research Program Colloquium.
