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Dixon H, Armstrong G, Barton ML, AJ B, Bondy M, Halbleib ML, Haynes EN, Herbstman J, Hamilton W, Hoffman PD et al..  2018.  Discovery of common chemical exposures across three continents using silicone wristbands. FSES External Advisory Committee Meeting, Yachats, OR.
Bergmann AJ, North PE, Vasquez L, Bello H, Ruiz Mdel Carmen, Anderson KA.  2016.  Distribution of chemical exposures in rural Peru using silicone wristbands. Environmental Health Sciences and Superfund Research Program Colloquium.
Rohlman D, Haynes EN, Anderson KA, Kincl LD, Elam S., Paulik LB.  2015.  Engaging Rural Citizens to Answer Questions about Air Quality. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA.
Anderson KA, Kincl LD, Rohlman D, Hobbie KA, Willmarth JA, Barton ML.  2015.  Environmental Preparedness and Resilience Empowering People: Personal Wristband Sampling Nexus. 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Exposure Science. Henderson, Nevada.
Forsberg ND, Rodriguez-Proteau R, Maier CS, Jenkins JJ, Morré J, Wilson GR, Anderson KA.  2010.  Evidence that the DAP biomarker may lead to overestimates of organophosphate pesticide exposure. platform presentation, 239th American Chemical Society conference.
Rohlman D, Harper B, Harding A, Harris S, Kile M, Anderson KA, Simonich SM.  2014.  Evolution of a robust tribal-university research partnership to investigate tribal exposures and build scientific capacity. Oral presentation at the 6th Annual Northwest Environmental Health Conference, Portland, OR.
Rohlman D, Harper B, Harding A, Harris S, Kile M, Anderson KA, Simonich SM.  2014.  Evolution of a robust tribal-university research partnership to investigate tribal exposures and build scientific capacity. Oral presentation at the Contemporary Northwest Tribal Health Conference, Portland, OR.
Rohlman D, Kincl LD, Anderson KA.  2014.  Exposure Assessment Monitoring Tools Panel: Passive Wristband Samplers. EHS Center Meeting. Los Angeles, CA.
Rivera BN, Anderson KA, Tilton SC.  2019.  How Should We Approach Forming Representative Mixtures? Environmental Health Sciences Colloquim, Corvallis OR.
Forsberg ND, Rodriguez-Proteau R, Christensen JM, Maier CS, Jenkins JJ, Anderson KA.  2010.  In vitro and in vivo experiments suggest that measurement of urinary dialkylphosphates may lead to overestimates of human OP pesticide exposure. platform presentation, SETAC 2010.
O'Malley KE, Ghetu CC, Rohlman D, Smith BW, Scott RP, Adams KA, Hoffman PD, Anderson KA.  2023.  Investigating the Movement of Parent PAHs and Alkylated PAHs Between Air and Soil Before, During, and After a Wildfire to Understand Potential Human Exposure. ISES Chicago, IL.
Anderson KA, Dixon H, Rohlman D, Hobbie KA, Scaffidi C, Waters KM, Herbstman J, Kincl LD.  2015.  Mobile Device for Measuring Ambient Chemical Exposure, Location and Respiratory Health Robustness and Comparisons with Conventional Technologies. 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Exposure Science. Henderson, Nevada.
Paulik LB, Hobbie KA, Rohlman D, BW S, Scott RP, Kincl LD, EN H, Anderson KA.  2016.  Movement of PAHs emitted from natural gas extraction wells. International Society of Exposure Science 26th Annual Meeting, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Poutasse CM, Rohlman D, Anderson KA.  2019.  Non-Invasive Personal Wristband Sampler to Assess Chemical Exposures. Advancing Environmental Health Science Research and Translation in India through Community-Based Participatory Research Workshop, Participatory Research in Asia, Delhi, India.
Rivera BN, Ghetu CC, Adams KA, Anderson KA, Tilton SC.  2020.  A Novel Approach to Forming Sufficiently Similar Mixtures From Environmental Exposure Data. Pacific Northwest Association of Toxicologists Annual Meeting.
Rivera BN, Ghetu CC, Chang Y, Anderson KA, Tilton SC.  2022.  A Novel Framework to Form Sufficiently Similar Mixtures. Risk Assessment and Mixtures Specialty Section Webinar.
Paulik LB, Hobbie KA, Rohlman D, BW S, Kincl LD, EN H, Anderson KA.  2016.  Passive wristband samplers assess individual PAH exposure near natural gas extraction. International Society of Exposure Science 26th Annual Meeting, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Paulik LB, Hobbie KA, Rohlman D, BW S, Scott RP, Kincl LD, EN H, Anderson KA.  2016.  Personal exposure to PAHs near natural gas extraction. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 37th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, United States.
Bergmann AJ, North PE, Vasquez L, Bello H, Ruiz Mdel Carmen, Anderson KA.  2016.  Personal passive sampling in Peru: Distribution and sources of diverse chemicals measured with silicone wristbands. International Society of Exposure Science.
Hoffman PD, Dixon H, Rohlman D, Tidwell LG, Barton ML, Anderson KA.  2018.  Rapid deployment of passive sampling wristbands in response to Hurricane Harvey; Community engagement and reporting.. SETAC.
Rohlman D, Kincl LD, Dixon H, Evoy R, Barton ML, Anderson KA.  2018.  Research and reporting back: Community-engaged investigation around asthma and air pollution. Seminar at the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health and NIEHS Center, New York City, NY.
Moran I L, RL T, KM W, KA A.  2021.  Role of Alkylated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mixture Toxicity from a Legacy Creosote Site. Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Departmental Seminar.
Rivera BN.  2020.  Time-Integrated Exposures to Identify Chemical Profiles between Health and Dysphagic Foals . Society of Toxicology.
Rivera BN, Mullen K, Tidwell LG, Ivanek R, Ainsworth D, Tilton SC, Anderson KA.  2019.  Using Passive Samplers to Evaluate Inhalation Exposure. Military Health System Research Symposium, Kissimmee, FL.
O'Connell SG, Pennington J, Rohlman D, Kerkvliet NI, Carozza S, Anderson KA.  2014.  Using silicone as biomonitors of exposure and potential body burden sinks for lipophilic toxicants.. 35th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Vancouver, BC Canada.
