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Poutasse CM, Laurienti PJ, Anderson KA.  2017.  Applications of Passive Silicone Wristband Samplers: Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Childhood Pesticide Exposures. 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society Northwest Regional Meeting, Corvallis, OR .
Anderson KA, Basile JL, Johnson ER.  2005.  Analytical method for dimethenamid-P in selected raw agricultural commodities by gas chromatography with electron capture detection.. J AOAC Int. 88(5):1428-32.
Anderson KA, Cobb WT, Loper BR.  2001.  Analytical Method for Determination of Shikimic Acid: Shikimic Acid Proportional to Glyphosate Application Rates. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis . 32(17,18)
O'Connell SG, Wilson GR, Anderson KA.  2013.  An analytical investigation of 24 oxygenated-PAHs (OPAHs) using liquid and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.. Anal Bioanal Chem. 405(27):8885-96.
Adams KA, Haggerty C, Scott RP, Anderson KA.  2021.  Analysis of phthalates using gas chromatography mass spectrometry and application to multiple passive sampling matrices. SETAC.
Hobbie KA, Rooney N, Scott RP, Anderson KA.  2016.  An alternative method to produce shikimic acid chemical feedstock by applying glyphosate to forage crops. Crop Science. TBD(TBD)
Anderson KA, Moller G.  1995.  Alternative catalyst to mercury for Kjeldahl determination of nitrogen in water and wastewater samples . AOAC International. 78(1519)
Tidwell LG, Paulik LB, Anderson KA.  2017.  Air-water exchange of PAHs and OPAHs at a superfund mega-site.. Sci Total Environ.
Tidwell LG, Paulik LB, Anderson KA.  2016.  Air-Water Exchange of PAHs and OPAHs at a Superfund Mega-site. SETAC North America Orlando Florida .
Tidwell LG, Anderson KA.  2015.  Air-water Exchange of PAH and OPAH Upstream,Within and Downstream of a Mega-Superfund Site. SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Tidwell LG, Hobbie KA, Wilson GR, O'Connell SG, Allan SE, Anderson KA.  2013.  Air – Water Exchange of PAH during the DWH Incident. International Society of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, Corvallis Oregon .
Wilson LB, Moran I L, Anderson KA, Tanguay RL.  2023.  Advances in PAH mixture toxicology enabled by zebrafish.. Curr Opin Toxicol. 34
Bonner EM, Poutasse CM, Haddock CK, Poston WSC, Jahnke SA, Tidwell LG, Anderson KA.  2024.  Addressing the need for individual-level exposure monitoring for firefighters using silicone samplers.. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol.
Donald CE, Anderson KA.  2016.  Adapting passive samplers to investigate PAH and PCB flux from soil to air. Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2016 Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA.
