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L Paulik B, Hobbie KA, Rohlman D, Smith BW, Scott RP, Kincl LD, Haynes EN, Anderson KA.  2018.  Environmental and individual PAH exposures near rural natural gas extraction.. Environ Pollut. 241:397-405.
Husted C, Megquier K, Harris A, Genereux DP, Anderson KA, Bick A, Chen F, Karlsson E.  2023.  Environmental and Genetic Insights into Carcinogenesis: An Approach using Passive Sampling and CHIP Analysis in the Companion Dog.
Rohlman D, Haynes EN, Anderson KA, Kincl LD, Elam S., Paulik LB.  2015.  Engaging Rural Citizens to Answer Questions about Air Quality. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA.
Rohlman D, Haynes EN, Anderson KA, Paulik LB, Feezel P., Kincl LD.  2015.  Engaging rural citizen scientists to explore impacts of fracking on ambient air. SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Forsberg ND, Harding A, Harper B, Stone D, Cardenas A, Harris S, Matzke MM, Waters KM, Anderson KA.  2012.  Engagement of Native American Tribes in the determination of legacy and emerging PAH dietary exposure scenarios, assessment of possible risks to human health. Connecting Research and Practice: A Dialogue Between ATSDR and the NIEHS Superfund Research Program.
Forsberg ND, Stone D, Harding A, Harper B, Harris S, Matzke MM, Cardenas A, Waters KM, Anderson KA.  2012.  Engagement of Native American Tribes in the characterization of novel PAH dietary exposure pathways, assessment of possible human health risks. SETAC North America 33rd Annual Conference.
Anderson KA.  2016.  Empowering People: Personal Wristband Passive Sampling Nexus. 2016 Environmental Health Summit: Community Engaged Research and Citizen Science.
Paulik LB, Donald CE, Smith BW, Tidwell LG, Hobbie KA, Kincl LD, Haynes EN, Anderson KA.  2016.  Emissions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Natural Gas Extraction into Air.. Environ Sci Technol. 50(14):7921-9.
Anderson KA, Wherland S.  1989.  Electron self-exchange of hexakis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl isocyanide) chromium(0,I) in dichloromethane. Inorganic Chemistry. 28
Forsberg ND, Stone D, Harding A, Harper B, Harris S, Matzke MM, Cardena A, Waters KM, Anderson KA.  2012.  Effect of Native American fish smoking methods on dietary exposure to PAHs and possible risks to human health. CTUIR Tribal-University Collaboration to Address Tribal Exposures to PAHs and Improve Community Health, Pendleton, OR.
Forsberg ND, Stone D, Harding A, Harper B, Harris S, Matzke MM, Cardenas A, Waters KM, Anderson KA.  2012.  Effect of Native American fish smoking methods on dietary exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and possible risks to human health.. J Agric Food Chem. 60(27):6899-906.
Layshock JA, Simonich SM, Anderson KA.  2010.  Effect of dibenzopyrene measurement on assessing air quality in Beijing air and possible implications for human health.. J Environ Monit. 12(12):2290-8.
Moran I L, Ghetu CC, Scott RP, Tidwell LG, Hoffman PD, Anderson KA.  2024.  Divergent Transport Dynamics of Alkylated versus Unsubstituted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at the Air–Water and Sediment-Water Interfaces at a Legacy Creosote Site. ACS EST Water.
Bergmann AJ, North PE, Vasquez L, Bello H, Ruiz Mdel Carmen, Anderson KA.  2016.  Distribution of multi-class chemical exposure in rural Peru measured with silicone wristbands. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
Bergmann AJ, North PE, Vasquez L, Bello H, Ruiz Mdel Carmen, Anderson KA.  2016.  Distribution of chemical exposures in rural Peru using silicone wristbands. Environmental Health Sciences and Superfund Research Program Colloquium.
Poutasse CM, Poston WSCarlos, Jahnke SA, Haddock CK, Tidwell LG, Hoffman PD, Anderson KA.  2020.  Discovery of firefighter chemical exposures using military-style silicone dog tags.. Environ Int. 142:105818.
Poutasse CM, Jahnke SA, Poston WSCarlos, Haddock CK, Tidwell LG, Hoffman PD, Anderson KA.  2020.  Discovery of Firefighter Chemical Exposures Using Military-Style Silicone Dog Tags. 10th Annual OSU EMT Research Day, Corvallis, OR.
Poutasse CM, Poston WSCarlos, Jahnke SA, Haddock CK, Tidwell LG, Anderson KA.  2019.  Discovery of Firefighter Chemical Exposures using Military-Style Silicone Dog Tags. SETAC North America 40th Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.
Poutasse CM, Poston WSCarlos, Jahnke SA, Haddock CK, Tidwell LG, Anderson KA.  2019.  Discovery of Firefighter chemical Exposures Using Military-Style Silicone Dog Tags. Military Health System Research Symposium, Kissimmee, FL.
Dixon H, Armstrong G, Barton ML, Bergmann AJ, Bondy M, Halbleib ML, Hamilton W, Haynes EN, Herbstman J, Hoffman PD et al..  2019.  Discovery of common chemical exposures across three continents using silicone wristbands.. R Soc Open Sci. 6(2):181836.
Dixon H, Armstrong G, Barton ML, AJ B, Bondy M, Halbleib ML, Haynes EN, Herbstman J, Hamilton W, Hoffman PD et al..  2018.  Discovery of common chemical exposures across three continents using silicone wristbands. FSES External Advisory Committee Meeting, Yachats, OR.
Dixon H, Armstrong G, Barton ML, Bergmann AJ, Bondy M, Halbleib ML, Haynes EN, Herbstman J, Hamilton W, Hoffman PD et al..  2019.  Discovery of common chemical exposures across three continents using silicone wristbands. EMT Research Day, Corvallis, OR.
Miller A, Anderson KA, Haynes EN, Lefthand-Begay C, O’Fallon L, Kwok R.  2015.  Disasters and Emerging Environmental Threats. 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Exposure Science. Henderson, Nevada.
Moran I L, Tidwell LG, Barton ML, Kile M, Miller P, Rohlman D, Seguinot-Medina S, Ungwiluk B, Waghiyi V, Anderson KA.  2023.  Diffusive fluxes of persistent organic pollutants between Arctic atmosphere, surface waters and sediments.. Sci Total Environ. :164566.
D Minick J, Anderson KA.  2017.  Diffusive flux of PAHs across sediment-water and water-air interfaces at urban superfund sites.. Environ Toxicol Chem. 36(9):2281-2289.
