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Hillwalker WE.  2010.  SETAC National Meeting Travel Grant. SETAC National Meeting.
O'Connell SG.  2010.  SETAC Travel Grant. SETAC North America 31st Annual Conference.
O'Connell SG.  2010.  Superfund Research Program 1st Place Poster Presentation Award. Superfund Research Program Annual Meeting.
Forsberg ND.  2006.  California Alliance for Minority Participation Fellowship. 2006-2007.
Allan SE.  2006.  Most Distinguished Marine Biology Alumnus. Universidad Católica del Norte, Department of Marine Biology, Coquimbo, Chile.
Perez AL.  2006.  NIEHS Fellow. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
Perez AL.  2005.  NIEHS Fellow. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
Sethajintanin D.  2005.  SETAC National meeting travel grant. SETAC National Meeting.
Sethajintanin D.  2005.  Sigma Xi, Award for Excellence in the Science category. OSU Student Poster Competition.
Perez AL.  2004.  NIEHS Fellow. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
Haigh TA.  2004.  Serving as the Chemical Terrorism Coordinator. US EPA IPA (Intergovernmental Personnel Act) agreement with the State of Oregon DEQ, 2004-2008.
Krissanakriangkrai O.  2003.  Invited presentation, Travel award. Assoc. Envir. Health Acad. Prog, joint CDC/AEHAP/ATSDR mtg, Atlanta, GA.
