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McLarnan SM, Bramer LM, Dixon H, Scott RP, Calero L, Holmes D, Gibson EA, Cavalier HM, Rohlman D, Miller RL et al..  2024.  Predicting personal PAH exposure using high dimensional questionnaire and wristband data.. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol.
Messier KP, Tidwell LG, Ghetu CC, Rohlman D, Scott RP, Bramer LM, Dixon H, Waters KM, Anderson KA.  2019.  Indoor versus Outdoor Air Quality during Wildfires.. Environ Sci Technol Lett. 6(12):696-701.
D Minick J, L Paulik B, Scott RP, Kile M, Rohlman D, Anderson KA.  2019.  A passive sampling model to predict PAHs in butter clams (Saxidomus giganteus), a traditional food source for Native American tribes of the Salish Sea Region.. Mar Pollut Bull. 145:28-35.
D Minick J, Anderson KA.  2017.  Diffusive flux of PAHs across sediment-water and water-air interfaces at urban superfund sites.. Environ Toxicol Chem. 36(9):2281-2289.
Moran I L, Tidwell LG, Barton ML, Kile M, Miller P, Rohlman D, Seguinot-Medina S, Ungwiluk B, Waghiyi V, Anderson KA.  2023.  Diffusive fluxes of persistent organic pollutants between Arctic atmosphere, surface waters and sediments.. Sci Total Environ. :164566.
Moran I L, Ghetu CC, Scott RP, Tidwell LG, Hoffman PD, Anderson KA.  2024.  Divergent Transport Dynamics of Alkylated versus Unsubstituted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at the Air–Water and Sediment-Water Interfaces at a Legacy Creosote Site. ACS EST Water.
Morshead ML, Truong L, Simonich MT, Moran JE, Anderson KA, Tanguay RL.  2024.  Developmental toxicity of alkylated PAHs and substituted phenanthrenes: Structural nuances drive diverse toxicity and AHR activation.. Chemosphere. 370:143894.
Mullen K, Rivera BN, Tidwell LG, Ivanek R, Anderson KA, Ainsworth D.  2020.  Environmental surveillance and adverse neonatal health outcomes in foals born near unconventional natural gas development activity.. Sci Total Environ. 731:138497.
Murrel KA, Ghetu CC, Dorman FL.  2018.  The combination of spectroscopy, microscopy, and profilometry methods for the physical and chemical characterization of environmentally relevant microplastics. Analytical Methods. 10(40):4909-4916.
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O'Connell SG, Anderson KA, Epstein MI.  2022.  Determining chemical air equivalency using silicone personal monitors.. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 32(2):268-279.
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O'Connell SG, McCartney MA, Paulik LB, Allan SE, Tidwell LG, Wilson GR, Anderson KA.  2014.  Improvements in pollutant monitoring: Optimizing silicone for co-deployment with polyethylene passive sampling devices.. Environ Pollut. 193C:71-78.
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