TitleSilicone wristbands compared with traditional polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure assessment methods
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsDixon H, Scott RP, Holmes D, Calero L, Kincl LD, Waters KM, Camann D, Calafat AM, Herbstman J, Anderson KA
JournalAnal Bioanal Chem
Date Published04/2018

Currently there is a lack of inexpensive, easy-to-use technology to evaluate human exposure to environmental chemicals, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). This is the first study in which silicone wristbands were deployed alongside two traditional personal PAH exposure assessment methods: active air monitoring with samplers (i.e., polyurethane foam (PUF) and filter) housed in backpacks, and biological sampling with urine. We demonstrate that wristbands worn for 48 h in a non-occupational setting recover semivolatile PAHs, and we compare levels of PAHs in wristbands to PAHs in PUFs-filters and to hydroxy-PAH (OH-PAH) biomarkers in urine. We deployed all samplers simultaneously for 48 h on 22 pregnant women in an established urban birth cohort. Each woman provided one spot urine sample at the end of the 48-h period. Wristbands recovered PAHs with similar detection frequencies to PUFs-filters. Of the 62 PAHs tested for in the 22 wristbands, 51 PAHs were detected in at least one wristband. In this cohort of pregnant women, we found more significant correlations between OH-PAHs and PAHs in wristbands than between OH-PAHs and PAHs in PUFs-filters. Only two comparisons between PAHs in PUFs-filters and OH-PAHs correlated significantly (r = 0.53 and p = 0.01; r = 0.44 and p = 0.04), whereas six comparisons between PAHs in wristbands and OH-PAHs correlated significantly (r = 0.44 to 0.76 and p = 0.04 to <0.0001). These results support the utility of wristbands as a biologically relevant exposure assessment tool which can be easily integrated into environmental health studies. Graphical abstract PAHs detected in samples collected from urban pregnant women.

Alternate JournalAnal Bioanal Chem
PubMed ID29607448
PubMed Central IDPMC5910488
Grant List1R21ES024718 / / National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences /
4R33ES024718 / / National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences /
T32ES007060 / / National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences /
Projects Reference: 
Silicone Wristband Personal Monitoring Device