Export 663 results:
O'Connell SG.  2007.  28th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium Student Travel Grant. 28th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium.
Primbs T, Schmedding D, Wilson GR, Jaffe D, Kato S, Takami A, Hatakeyama S, Kajii Y, Simonich SM.  2007.  Atmospheric Outflow of Anthropogenic Semivolatile Organic Compounds from Asia in Spring 2004. American Chemical Society, Boston, MA.
O'Connell SG.  2007.  College of Charleston Graduate School Travel Grant.
O'Connell SG.  2007.  College of Charleston Marine Biology Graduate Program Travel Grant.
O'Connell SG.  2007.  College of Charleston Marine Biology Graduate Student Association Travel Grant.
Haigh TA.  2007.  Conference Award. NEMC (National Environmental Monitoring Conference), Cambridge, MA.
Primbs T, Pierkarz A, Wilson GR, Schmedding D, Higginbotham C, Field J, Simonich SM.  2007.  Influence of Asian and Western U.S. Urban Areas (and Fires) on the Atmospheric Transport of PAHs, PCBs, and FTOHs in the Western U.S.. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Milwaukee, WI.
Perez AL.  2007.  NIEHS Fellow. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
Sower GJ, Ackerman A, Hillwalker WE, Quarles L, Sarr M, Toure C, Anderson KA.  2007.  Overcoming the technical challenges of an international human and ecological health risk project in Western Africa. The Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. North America Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, USA.
Hobbie KA, Smith BW, Anderson KA.  2007.  Protecting the Nation’s Food Supply, Use of chemical profiling to determine the origin of food commodities. SETAC North America 28th Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Hobbie KA, Perez AL, Smith BW, Anderson KA.  2007.  Protecting the Nation’s Food Supply: Use of chemical profiling to determine origin of food commodities. SETAC North America 28th Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Primbs T, Simonich SM, Wilson GR, Jaffe D, Higginbotham C.  2007.  Trans-Pacific and Regional Atmospheric Transport of Anthropogenic Semivolatile Organic Compounds to Mt. Bachelor, USA from Spring 2004 to Spring 2006. American Chemical Society, Boston, MA.
O'Connell SG.  2008.  29th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium Student Travel Grant. 29th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium.
Ackerman LK, Schwindt AR, Simonich SM, Koch DC, Blett TF, Schreck CB, Kent ML, Landers DH.  2008.  Atmospherically deposited PBDEs, pesticides, PCBs, and PAHs in western U.S. National Park fish: concentrations and consumption guidelines.. Environ Sci Technol. 42(7):2334-41.
Hoffman PD, Curtis MJ, Iwai S, Hays JB.  2008.  Biochemical evolution of DNA polymerase eta: properties of plant, human, and yeast proteins.. Biochemistry. 47(16):4583-96.
O'Connell SG.  2008.  College of Charleston Graduate School Travel Grant.
O'Connell SG.  2008.  College of Charleston Marine Biology Graduate Program Travel Grant.
Anderson KA, Sethajintanin D, Sower GJ, Quarles L.  2008.  Field trial and modeling of uptake rates of in situ lipid-free polyethylene membrane passive sampler.. Environ Sci Technol. 42(12):4486-93.
Primbs T, Schmedding D, Higginbotham C, Simonich SM.  2008.  Influence of Asian and Western United states agricultural areas and fires on the atmospheric transport of pesticides in the Western United States.. Environ Sci Technol. 42(17):6519-25.
Primbs T, Piekarz A, Schmedding D, Higginbotham C, Field J, Simonich SM.  2008.  Influence of Asian and Western United States urban areas and fires on the atmospheric transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, and fluorotelomer alcohols in the Western United States.. Environ Sci Technol. 42(17):6385-91.
