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Allan IJ, O'Connell SG, Meland S, Bæk K, Grung M, Anderson KA, Ranneklev SB.  2016.  PAH Accessibility in Particulate Matter from Road-Impacted Environments.. Environ Sci Technol.
D Minick J, L Paulik B, Scott RP, Kile M, Rohlman D, Anderson KA.  2019.  A passive sampling model to predict PAHs in butter clams (Saxidomus giganteus), a traditional food source for Native American tribes of the Salish Sea Region.. Mar Pollut Bull. 145:28-35.
Paulik LB, Hobbie KA, Rohlman D, BW S, Kincl LD, EN H, Anderson KA.  2016.  Passive wristband samplers assess individual PAH exposure near natural gas extraction. International Society of Exposure Science 26th Annual Meeting, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Paulik LB, Hobbie KA, Rohlman D, BW S, Scott RP, Kincl LD, EN H, Anderson KA.  2016.  Personal exposure to PAHs near natural gas extraction. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 37th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, United States.
Bergmann AJ, North PE, Vasquez L, Bello H, Ruiz Mdel Carmen, Anderson KA.  2016.  Personal passive sampling in Peru: Distribution and sources of diverse chemicals measured with silicone wristbands. International Society of Exposure Science.
Bramer LM, Dixon H, Rohlman D, Scott RP, Miller RL, Kincl LD, Herbstman J, Waters KM, Anderson KA.  2024.  PM Is Insufficient to Explain Personal PAH Exposure.. Geohealth. 8(2):e2023GH000937.
McLarnan SM, Bramer LM, Dixon H, Scott RP, Calero L, Holmes D, Gibson EA, Cavalier HM, Rohlman D, Miller RL et al..  2024.  Predicting personal PAH exposure using high dimensional questionnaire and wristband data.. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol.
Hoffman PD, Dixon H, Rohlman D, Tidwell LG, Barton ML, Anderson KA.  2018.  Rapid deployment of passive sampling wristbands in response to Hurricane Harvey; Community engagement and reporting.. SETAC.
Rohlman D, Elam S., Paulik LB, Anderson KA, Haynes EN, Kincl LD.  2014.  Reporting air quality data to a rural Appalachian community concerned about unconventional natural gas drilling. Partnerships for Environmental Public Health Meeting. Research Triangle Park, NC.
Rohlman D, Kincl LD, Dixon H, Evoy R, Barton ML, Anderson KA.  2018.  Research and reporting back: Community-engaged investigation around asthma and air pollution. Seminar at the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health and NIEHS Center, New York City, NY.
Reams M.  2017.  Response, Recovery, and Resilience to Oil Spills and Environmental Disasters: Exploration and Use of Novel Approaches to Enhance Community Resilience. Journal of Environmental Health. 80
Moran I L, RL T, KM W, KA A.  2021.  Role of Alkylated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mixture Toxicity from a Legacy Creosote Site. Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Departmental Seminar.
Moran I L, RL T, KM W, KA A.  2020.  Role of Alkylated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mixture Toxicity from a Legacy Creosote Site. SETAC North America.
