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Rivera BN, Tidwell LG, Chang Y, Donald CE, Mullen K, Ainsworth D, Scott RP, Anderson KA, Tilton SC.  2018.  Evaluating Toxicity Associated with Inhalation Exposure to Unconventional Natural Gas Drilling. Environmental Public Health in the 21st Century Research Symposium.
Rivera BN, Tidwell LG, Donald CE, Mullen K, Ainsworth D, Scott RP, Anderson KA, Tilton SC.  2018.  Using passive samplers and 3D bronchial epithelium to determine toxicity associated with natural gas drilling. Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing Fall Conference.
Rivera BN, Tidwell LG, Donald CE, Mullen K, Ainsworth D, Scott RP, Anderson KA, Tilton SC.  2018.  Using passive samplers and 3D bronchial epithelium to determine toxicity associated with natural gas drilling . Pacific Northwest Association of Toxicologists (PANWAT), Bothell, Wa.
Rivera BN, Tidwell LG, Donald CE, Chang Y, Mullen K, Ainsworth D, Anderson KA, Tilton SC.  2019.  Evaluating Toxicity of Inhalation Exposure to Unconventional Natural Gas Drilling. Society of Toxicology National Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Rivera BN, Tidwell LG, Donald CE, Chang Y, Mullen K, Ainsworth D, Anderson KA, Tilton SC.  2019.  Evaluating Toxicity of Inhalation Exposure to Unconventional Natural Gas Drilling. Society of Toxicology National Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Rivera BN, Mullen K, Tidwell LG, Ivanek R, Ainsworth D, Tilton SC, Anderson KA.  2019.  Determining Environmental Exposure Profiles of Health and Dysphagic Foals. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America, Toronto, ON.
Rivera BN, Mullen K, Tidwell LG, Ivanek R, Ainsworth D, Tilton SC, Anderson KA.  2019.  Determining Environmental Exposure Profiles of Health and Dysphagic Foals. Superfund Research Program, Seattle, WA.
Rivera BN, Ghetu CC, Rohlman D, Adams KA, Anderson KA.  2020.  A Comprehensive Comparison of Indoor vs Outdoor Air Quality Across the United States. International Society of Exposure Science.
Rivera BN, Ghetu CC, Anderson KA, Tilton SC.  2020.  A Novel Approach to Forming Sufficiently Similar Mixtures from Environmental Exposure Data. Superfund Research Center Annual Meeting.
Rivera BN, Ghetu CC, Anderson KA, Tilton SC.  2021.  A Novel Approach to Forming Sufficiently Similar Mixtures from Environmental Exposure Data. Society of Toxicology.
Rivera BN, Ghetu CC, Rohlman D, Adams KA, Anderson KA.  2021.  Influences of Household Behavior and Demographics on Indoor Air Quality. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.