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Paulik LB, Donald CE, Smith BW, Tidwell LG, Hobbie KA, Kincl LD, Haynes EN, Anderson KA.  2016.  Emissions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Natural Gas Extraction into Air.. Environ Sci Technol. 50(14):7921-9.
Anderson KA.  2016.  Empowering People: Personal Wristband Passive Sampling Nexus. 2016 Environmental Health Summit: Community Engaged Research and Citizen Science.
Hammel SC, Hoffman K, Webster TF, Anderson KA, Stapleton HM.  2016.  Measuring Personal Exposure to Organophosphate Flame Retardants Using Silicone Wristbands and Hand Wipes.. Environ Sci Technol. 50(8):4483-91.
Paulik LB, Hobbie KA, Rohlman D, BW S, Scott RP, Kincl LD, EN H, Anderson KA.  2016.  Movement of PAHs emitted from natural gas extraction wells. International Society of Exposure Science 26th Annual Meeting, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Allan IJ, O'Connell SG, Meland S, Bæk K, Grung M, Anderson KA, Ranneklev SB.  2016.  PAH Accessibility in Particulate Matter from Road-Impacted Environments.. Environ Sci Technol.
Tidwell LG, Allan SE, O'Connell SG, Hobbie KA, Smith BW, Anderson KA.  2016.  PAH and OPAH Flux during the Deepwater Horizon Incident.. Environ Sci Technol. 50(14):7489-97.
Paulik LB, Smith BW, Bergmann AJ, Sower GJ, Forsberg ND, Teeguarden JG, Anderson KA.  2016.  Passive samplers accurately predict PAH levels in resident crayfish.. Sci Total Environ. 544:782-791.
Paulik LB, Hobbie KA, Rohlman D, BW S, Kincl LD, EN H, Anderson KA.  2016.  Passive wristband samplers assess individual PAH exposure near natural gas extraction. International Society of Exposure Science 26th Annual Meeting, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Paulik LB, Hobbie KA, Rohlman D, BW S, Scott RP, Kincl LD, EN H, Anderson KA.  2016.  Personal exposure to PAHs near natural gas extraction. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 37th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, United States.
Bergmann AJ, North PE, Vasquez L, Bello H, Ruiz Mdel Carmen, Anderson KA.  2016.  Personal passive sampling in Peru: Distribution and sources of diverse chemicals measured with silicone wristbands. International Society of Exposure Science.
Paulik LB, BW S, AJ B, Sower GJ, Forsberg ND, JG T, Anderson KA.  2016.  Predicting PAH contamination in resident shellfish. Oregon State University Superfund Research Program External Advisory Council Meeting. Corvallis, Oregon.
MacDonald M, Lipscomb ST, McClelland M, Duncan R, Becker D, Anderson KA, Kile M.  2016.  Relations of Preschoolers' Visual-Motor and Object Manipulation Skills With Executive Function and Social Behavior.. Res Q Exerc Sport. 87(4):396-407.
Donald CE, Scott RP, Blaustein KL, Halbleib ML, Sarr M, Jepson PC, Anderson KA.  2016.  Silicone wristbands detect individuals' pesticide exposures in West Africa. International Society for Exposure Science Annual Meeting, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Donald CE, Scott RP, Blaustein KL, Halbleib ML, Sarr M, Jepson PC, Anderson KA.  2016.  Silicone wristbands detect individuals' pesticide exposures in West Africa.. R Soc Open Sci. 3(8):160433.
Hoffman PD, Tidwell LG, Anderson KA.  2016.  Toxicity in zebrafish of complex polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures exposed to terrestrially-appropriate UV-radiation.. Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2016 Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Donald CE, Elie MR, Smith BW, Hoffman PD, Anderson KA.  2016.  Transport stability of pesticides and PAHs sequestered in polyethylene passive sampling devices.. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int.
Kile M, Scott RP, O'Connell SG, Lipscomb ST, MacDonald M, McClelland M, Anderson KA.  2016.  Using silicone wristbands to evaluate preschool children's exposure to flame retardants.. Environ Res. 147:365-72.
Tidwell LG, Anderson KA.  2015.  Air-water Exchange of PAH and OPAH Upstream,Within and Downstream of a Mega-Superfund Site. SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah.
O'Connell SG, Points GL, Wilson M, Anderson KA.  2015.  Assessing Recovery, Transport, and Stability for Over 160 Compounds in Silicone Personal Passive Samplers. SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah.
D Minick J, Geier M, Tanguay RL, Anderson KA.  2015.  Assessment of PAH Contribution to Superfund Site Hazard Using a Representative PAH Mixture and a Zebrafish Developmental Toxicity Model. SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Anderson KA.  2015.  Before and After Chemical Threats, Emerging Chemicals and Passive Sampling Technology. AAAS Citizen Science Conference (inaugural). San Jose, CA.
Paulik LB, Donatuto J, Woodward C, Kile M, Harding A, Anderson KA.  2015.  Can passive sediment samplers predict clam contamination? OSU Superfund Research Program Tribal-University Collaborations' Community Engagement Core Advisory Committee Meeting, Portland, OR.
Anderson KA.  2015.  Chemistry and chemical properties of crude oils and fuel products; chemical fate following a spill; sampling methods during an incident; examples from the BP Deepwater Horizon incident. Crude by Rail Workshop. Portland, OR.
Rohlman D, Syron L, Hobbie KA, Anderson KA, Scaffidi C, Sudakin D, Waters KM, Haynes EN, Arkin L, Feezel P et al..  2015.  A Community-Based Approach to Developing a Mobile Device for Measuring Ambient Air Exposure, Location, and Respiratory Health.. Environ Justice. 8(4):126-134.
Bergmann AJ, Tanguay RL, Anderson KA.  2015.  Contribution of PAHs to the teratogenicity of bioavailable Superfund mixtures. SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah.
