Export 656 results:
Forsberg ND.  2006.  California Alliance for Minority Participation Fellowship. 2006-2007.
Allan SE.  2006.  Most Distinguished Marine Biology Alumnus. Universidad Católica del Norte, Department of Marine Biology, Coquimbo, Chile.
Perez AL.  2006.  NIEHS Fellow. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
Haigh TA.  2006.  Non-Defense Federal, State, and Commercial Laboratory Requirements and Guidelines to Receive, Handle, and Analyze Dilute Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA), and Environmental Samples potentially Containing CWA. Submitted to US EPA NHSRC.
Anderson KA, Smith BW.  2006.  Seasonal and Variety Effects on Stable Isotope Profiling to Determine Geographic Growing Origin of Pistachios. J Agric Food Chem. 54(5):1747-52.
Hillwalker WE, Jepson PC, Anderson KA.  2006.  Selenium accumulation patterns in lotic and lentic aquatic systems.. Sci Total Environ. 366(1):367-79.
Perez AL, Smith BW, Anderson KA.  2006.  Stable isotope and trace element profiling combined with classification models to differentiate geographic growing origin for three fruits: effects of sub-region and variety. American Chemical Society National 232nd annual Mtg, San Francisco, CA.
Perez AL, Smith BW, Anderson KA.  2006.  Stable isotope and trace element profiling combined with classification models to differentiate geographic growing origin for three fruits: effects of subregion and variety.. J Agric Food Chem. 54(13):4506-16.
Sethajintanin D, Anderson KA.  2006.  Temporal bioavailability of organochlorine pesticides and PCBs.. Environ Sci Technol. 40(12):3689-95.
Primbs T, Simonich SM, Wilson GR, Jaffe D, Higginbotham C.  2006.  Trans-Pacific and Regional Atmospheric Transport of Anthropogenic Semivolatile Organic Compounds to Mt. Bachelor Observatory, USA from Spring 2004 to Spring 2006. American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Primbs T, Schmedding D, Wilson GR, Higginbotham C, Simonich SM.  2006.  Trans-Pacific Atmospheric Transport of PBTs from Asia to the Pacific Northwest of the USA in Spring 2004. American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA.
Primbs T, Schmedding D, Wilson GR, Higginbotham C, Simonich SM.  2006.  Trans-Pacific Atmospheric Transport of PBTs from Asia to the Pacific Northwest of the USA in Spring 2004. American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA .
Anderson KA, Basile JL, Johnson ER.  2005.  Analytical method for dimethenamid-P in selected raw agricultural commodities by gas chromatography with electron capture detection.. J AOAC Int. 88(5):1428-32.
Hageman KJ, Usenko S, Cambell DH, Wilson GR, Schmedding D, Simonich SM.  2005.  Atmospheric Deposition of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds in National Parks of the Pacific Northwest. Puget Sound/Georgia Basin Research Conference, Seattle, WA.
Anderson KA, Smith BW.  2005.  Chemical Profiling to Differentiate Geographic Origin of Pistachios. J Agric Food Chem. 53(2):410-8.
Villeneuve DL, Curtis LR, Jenkins JJ, Warner KE, Tilton F, Kent ML, Watral VG, Cunningham ME, Markle DF, Sethajintanin D et al..  2005.  Environmental stresses and skeletal deformities in fish from the Willamette River, Oregon.. Environ Sci Technol. 39(10):3495-506.
Perez AL.  2005.  NIEHS Fellow. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
Ackerman LK, Simonich SM.  2005.  Quantitative analysis of 39 polybrominated diphenyl ethers by isotope dilution GC/low-resolution MS.. Anal Chem. 77(7):1979-87.
Sethajintanin D.  2005.  SETAC National meeting travel grant. SETAC National Meeting.
Sethajintanin D.  2005.  Sigma Xi, Award for Excellence in the Science category. OSU Student Poster Competition.
Primbs T, Schmedding D, Wilson GR, Higginbotham C, Simonich SM.  2005.  Trans-Pacific Atmospheric Transport of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Other Anthropogenic Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds to a High Elevation Site in the Pacific Northwest, USA. DIOXIN.
Primbs T, Schmedding D, Wilson GR, Higginbotham C, Simonich SM.  2005.  Trans-Pacific Atmospheric Transport of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Other Anthropogenic Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds to a High Elevation Site in the Pacific Northwest, USA. DIOXIN, Toronto, Canada.
