Celebrating 25 Years!

25th anniversary report front page

                   For more information:  https://fses.oregonstate.edu/onion


Follow this link: http://fses.oregonstate.edu/PSDs and let us know what you think.


Research Highlight:

Research Continued through the Covid-19 pandemic

Adhering to the university and state guidelines, we continued to conduct research in 2020. We deployed samplers on the Columbia river as well as through the mail in our wildfire air quality sampling study.

lab remodel   lab remodel   lab remodel  


Silicone Wristband Personal Monitoring Device

Accurately assessing a person’s exposures to putative environmental toxicants is central to the challenge of determining environmental health effects. The lack of low cost, easy-to-use personal sampling technology hinders our ability to understand the effect of the environment on health.

We are developing common wristbands to serve as passive samplers that quantify chemical exposure from our environment. We have shown these simple wristbands, when appropriately prepared provide a simple solution for studies into chemical exposures. With our powerful and sensitive analytical techniques refined over two decades, over 1500 common environmental contaminants can be analyzed for low cost.

If you would like to know more, please see the  full publication  and follow the additional research we are pursuing with the wristbands  (see more here).  You can also  contact us  for more information or to suggest a collaboration.


The Instrument Suite!

Our state-of-the-art facility contains two identical Agilent 7890A - 5975C GC-MS systems, an Agilent GC-ECD 6890, a Markes Unity thermal desorption chamber coupled with an Agilent 6890A - 7000 GC-MS and two triple-quadrupole Agilent 7890A - 7000 GC-MS-MS systems. This array of instruments allows us to couple high-throughput analytical chemistry with extraordinary sensitivity, accuracy and precision. 

Coming soon:

A new addition to the group capabilities, a new Gas Isotope Ratio MS unit targeted towards forensic source identification.

 lab remodel     lab remodel    

Contact Us:

FSES Director Dr. Kim Anderson: kim.anderson@oregonstate.edu  541-737-8501

FSES Program Coordinator Anna Naughton: anna.naughton@oregonstate.edu 541-737-1766