TitleToxicology of brominated fatty acids: metabolite concentration and heart and liver changes.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1983
AuthorsJones BA, Tinsley IJ, Lowry RR
Date Published1983 Apr
Adipose Tissue, Animals, Bromine, Dietary Fats, Fatty Acids, Heart, Liver, Male, Myocardium, Rats, Rats, Inbred Strains, Tissue Distribution

Rats were fed for 35 days diets containing 2% of either brominated corn oil (BCO), monoglyceride of dibromostearate (DBS), monoglyceride of tetrabromostearate (TBS) or a mixture of the two monoglycerides (BMG) which provided proportions of brominated acids comparable to that of the BCO. Hearts from all animals fed BCO were yellow colored and firm in texture. Myocardial cellular degeneration, mild to moderate edema and occasional small necrotic foci were observed. Hearts from animals fed DBS showed moderate edema and some slight necrosis. All diets produced an increase in lipid content of heart. Animals fed the experimental diets developed enlarged livers and showed elevated liver lipid content. The tetrabromostearate appeared to be the more active in producing these changes, in particular a severe intracellular fatty degeneration. Shorter-chain (C-16, C-14) metabolites of di- and tetrabromostearate were identified and the concentration of brominated fatty acids in heart, liver and adipose tissue determined and found to account for 80% of the bromine detected in these tissues by neutron activation analysis. TBS accumulated in liver while the highest concentration of DBS was observed in heart lipids. Although the concentrations of brominated acids in heart and liver lipids were comparable in rats fed BCO or BMG, BCO produced the more pronounced effects. This differential could be due to additional active components in BCO or to a variation in response associated with changes in the location of the fatty acid on the glycerol molecule.

Alternate JournalLipids
PubMed ID6865665
Grant ListES01377 / ES / NIEHS NIH HHS / United States