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Ghetu CC.  2019.  1st Place Best Student Poster Award. Environmental Public Health in the 21st Century Research Symposium, Oregon State University Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Research Day, Corvallis, OR.
Ghetu CC.  2019.  ARCS Foundation Scholar. Oregon State University.
Ghetu CC.  2020.  ARCS Foundation Scholar. Oregon State University.
Ghetu CC.  2020.  Training Grant Fellowship for Graduate Research & Education. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
Ghetu CC.  2021.  ORISE EPA Fellowship: Tribal Drinking Water Program (in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska).
Haigh TA.  2007.  Conference Award. NEMC (National Environmental Monitoring Conference), Cambridge, MA.
Haigh TA.  2004.  Serving as the Chemical Terrorism Coordinator. US EPA IPA (Intergovernmental Personnel Act) agreement with the State of Oregon DEQ, 2004-2008.
Hillwalker WE.  2010.  SETAC National Meeting Travel Grant. SETAC National Meeting.
Kamerud KL.  2012.  Best Undergraduate Poster - 2nd Place. SETAC North America 33rd Annual Meeting.
Krissanakriangkrai O.  2003.  SETAC National meeting travel grant. SETAC National meeting.
Krissanakriangkrai O.  2003.  Travel grant award. National Annual Assoc. Environmental Health Education Conf. Reno, NV .
Krissanakriangkrai O.  2003.  Invited presentation, Travel award. Assoc. Envir. Health Acad. Prog, joint CDC/AEHAP/ATSDR mtg, Atlanta, GA.
Krissanakriangkrai O.  2003.  Student Paper/Poster Award. EHA Education Conference, Assoc. of Environmental Health Academic Program, Center for Disease Control Prevention / National Center for Environmental Health Joint Meeting.
Layshock JA.  2010.  EPA Star Fellow. US Environmental Protection Agency.
