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Forsberg ND, O'Connell SG, Allan SE, Anderson KA.  2014.  Passive sampling coupled to ultraviolet irradiation: a useful analytical approach for studying oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon formation in bioavailable mixtures.. Environ Toxicol Chem. 33(1):177-81.
Anderson KA, Seck D, Hobbie KA, Traore ANdiaye, McCartney MA, Ndaye A, Forsberg ND, Sower GJ.  2014.  Passive sampling devices enable capacity building and characterization of bioavailable pesticide along the Niger, Senegal and Bani Rivers of Africa.. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 369(1639):20130110.
Anderson KA, Seck D, Hobbie KA, Traore AN, McCartney MA, Ndaye A, Forsberg ND, Sower GJ.  2014.  Passive Sampling Devices Enable Capacity Building and Characterization of Bioavailable Mixtures along the Niger, Senegal and Bani Rivers of Africa. Society of Toxicology 53rd Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
Forsberg ND, Smith BW, Sower GJ, Anderson KA.  2014.  Predicting polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations in resident aquatic organisms using passive samplers and partial least-squares calibration.. Environ Sci Technol. 48(11):6291-9.
Paulik LB, Forsberg ND, Wilson GR, Anderson KA.  2014.  Unregulated PAHs in crayfish and passive sampling devices: Increased cancer risk estimates? OSU Dept. of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Research Day, Corvallis, OR.
Paulik LB, Smith BW, Bergmann AJ, Sower GJ, Forsberg ND, Teeguarden JG, Anderson KA.  2015.  Passive water sampling predicts PAH contamination in signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus. SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Paulik LB, Smith BW, Bergmann AJ, Sower GJ, Forsberg ND, Teeguarden JG, Anderson KA.  2015.  Predicting PAH Contamination in Resident Shellfish. Oregon State University Superfund Research Program’s Environmental Health Science Trainee Colloquium. Corvallis, OR.
