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Layshock JA, Simonich SM, Anderson KA.  2010.  Ketone and Quinone Substituted PAH Profiles from Remote and Urban Atmospheric Particulate Matter. SETAC North America 31st Annual Conference.
Tidwell LG.  2017.  Leveraging passive sampling and unique equine population exposures to assess negative post-natal health outcomes . International Society of Exposure Science.
Quarles L, Sarr M, Hillwalker WE, Sower GJ, Anderson KA.  2009.  Mitigating or Eliminating Pesticide Risks in Surface Waters in the Pacific Northwest and West Africa with Targeted Research, Extension, and Education Programs. (Invited Speaker) The Use and Value of Environmental Monitoring in the Assessment and Analysis of Risks, Semi-Annual International IPM Symposium, Transcending Boundaries, Portland OR.
Anderson KA, Dixon H, Rohlman D, Hobbie KA, Scaffidi C, Waters KM, Herbstman J, Kincl LD.  2015.  Mobile Device for Measuring Ambient Chemical Exposure, Location and Respiratory Health Robustness and Comparisons with Conventional Technologies. 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Exposure Science. Henderson, Nevada.
Paulik LB, Hobbie KA, Rohlman D, BW S, Scott RP, Kincl LD, EN H, Anderson KA.  2016.  Movement of PAHs emitted from natural gas extraction wells. International Society of Exposure Science 26th Annual Meeting, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Poutasse CM, Rohlman D, Anderson KA.  2019.  Non-Invasive Personal Wristband Sampler to Assess Chemical Exposures. Advancing Environmental Health Science Research and Translation in India through Community-Based Participatory Research Workshop, Participatory Research in Asia, Delhi, India.
Tidwell LG.  2018.  A Novel Approach for Measuring Firefighter Occupational Chemical Exposures. FEMA, Assistance to Firefighters Meeting, Houston, TX.
Rivera BN, Ghetu CC, Adams KA, Anderson KA, Tilton SC.  2020.  A Novel Approach to Forming Sufficiently Similar Mixtures From Environmental Exposure Data. Pacific Northwest Association of Toxicologists Annual Meeting.
Rivera BN, Ghetu CC, Adams KA, Anderson KA, Tilton SC.  2020.  A Novel Approach to Forming Sufficiently Similar Mixtures From Environmental Exposure Data. Pacific Northwest Association of Toxicologists Annual Meeting.
Rivera BN, Ghetu CC, Chang Y, Anderson KA, Tilton SC.  2022.  A Novel Framework to Form Sufficiently Similar Mixtures. Risk Assessment and Mixtures Specialty Section Webinar.
O'Connell SG, Wilson GR, Tidwell LG, Allan SE, Paulik LB, Anderson KA.  2013.  Novel Technologies for OPAH and PAH Identification in Personal and Environmental Complex Mixtures. 11th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.
O'Connell SG, Wilson GR, Tidwell LG, Allan SE, Paulik LB, Anderson KA.  2013.  Novel Technologies for OPAH and PAH Identification in Personal and Environmental Complex Mixtures. 11th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.
Anderson KA.  2015.  PAHs standards, analytical methods and PAHs in air, water, and resident organisms. Air Toxics Science Advisory Committee. Portland, OR.
Anderson KA.  2014.  Passive samplers used in aquatic environments. US EPA sponsored State Risk Assessors (represents 48 states).
Hobbie KA, Peterson ES, Barton ML, Willmarth JA, Waters KM, Anderson KA.  2013.  Passive Sampling and Online Systems Offer Citizen Scientists the Ability to Monitor Their Exposure in the Event of a Disaster. SETAC North America 34th Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, USA.
O'Connell SG, Tidwell LG, Wilson GR, Anderson KA.  2013.  Passive Sampling Capacity Building with the K.C. Donnelly Externship. 26th Superfund Research Program Annual Meeting, Baton Rouge LA.
Elie MR, Forsberg ND, Allan SE, O'Connell SG, Tanguay RL, Anderson KA.  2013.  Passive sampling coupled to UVB irradiation: a useful analytical approach for modeling toxic oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon formation in bioavailable mixtures. 246th ACS National Meeting.
Elie MR, Forsberg ND, Allan SE, O'Connell SG, Tanguay RL, Anderson KA.  2013.  Passive sampling coupled to UVB irradiation: a useful analytical approach for modeling toxic oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon formation in bioavailable mixtures. 246th ACS National Meeting.
Bergmann AJ, Vasquez L, North PE, Anderson KA.  2015.  Passive sampling in ambient and individuals' environments in rural Peru. SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Bergmann AJ.  2015.  Passive sampling in ambient and individuals' environments in rural Peru. FSES External Advisory Committee Meeting.
D Minick J, Anderson KA.  2017.  A passive sampling model to predict PAH levels in butter clams, a traditional food source for Native American tribes of the Salish Sea Region. Superfund Program National Meeting.
Paulik LB, Smith BW, Bergmann AJ, Sower GJ, Forsberg ND, Teeguarden JG, Anderson KA.  2015.  Passive water sampling predicts PAH contamination in signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus. SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Paulik LB, Hobbie KA, Rohlman D, BW S, Kincl LD, EN H, Anderson KA.  2016.  Passive wristband samplers assess individual PAH exposure near natural gas extraction. International Society of Exposure Science 26th Annual Meeting, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Paulik LB, Hobbie KA, Rohlman D, BW S, Scott RP, Kincl LD, EN H, Anderson KA.  2016.  Personal exposure to PAHs near natural gas extraction. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 37th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, United States.
Bergmann AJ, North PE, Vasquez L, Bello H, Ruiz Mdel Carmen, Anderson KA.  2016.  Personal passive sampling in Peru: Distribution and sources of diverse chemicals measured with silicone wristbands. International Society of Exposure Science.
