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Bonner EM, Poutasse CM, Haddock CK, Poston WSC, Jahnke SA, Tidwell LG, Anderson KA.  2024.  Addressing the need for individual-level exposure monitoring for firefighters using silicone samplers.. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol.
Wilson LB, Moran I L, Anderson KA, Tanguay RL.  2023.  Advances in PAH mixture toxicology enabled by zebrafish.. Curr Opin Toxicol. 34
Tidwell LG, Paulik LB, Anderson KA.  2017.  Air-water exchange of PAHs and OPAHs at a superfund mega-site.. Sci Total Environ.
Anderson KA, Moller G.  1995.  Alternative catalyst to mercury for Kjeldahl determination of nitrogen in water and wastewater samples . AOAC International. 78(1519)
Hobbie KA, Rooney N, Scott RP, Anderson KA.  2016.  An alternative method to produce shikimic acid chemical feedstock by applying glyphosate to forage crops. Crop Science. TBD(TBD)
O'Connell SG, Wilson GR, Anderson KA.  2013.  An analytical investigation of 24 oxygenated-PAHs (OPAHs) using liquid and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.. Anal Bioanal Chem. 405(27):8885-96.
Anderson KA, Cobb WT, Loper BR.  2001.  Analytical Method for Determination of Shikimic Acid: Shikimic Acid Proportional to Glyphosate Application Rates. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis . 32(17,18)
Anderson KA, Basile JL, Johnson ER.  2005.  Analytical method for dimethenamid-P in selected raw agricultural commodities by gas chromatography with electron capture detection.. J AOAC Int. 88(5):1428-32.
Matzke MM, Allan SE, Anderson KA, Waters KM.  2012.  An approach for calculating a confidence interval from a single aquatic sample for monitoring hydrophobic organic contaminants.. Environ Toxicol Chem. 31(12):2888-92.
Donald CE, Scott RP, Hoffman PD, Anderson KA.  2019.  Artificial turf: chemical flux and development of silicone wristband partitioning coefficients.. Air Qual Atmos Health. 12(5):597-611.
Donald CE, Anderson KA.  2017.  Assessing soil-air partitioning of PAHs and PCBs with a new fugacity passive sampler.. Sci Total Environ. 596-597:293-302.
Turner MC, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Anderson KA, Balshaw D, Cui Y, Dunton G, Hoppin JA, Koutrakis P, Jerrett M.  2017.  Assessing the Exposome with External Measures: Commentary on the State of the Science and Research Recommendations.. Annu Rev Public Health. 38:215-239.
O'Malley KE, Ghetu CC, Rohlman D, Anderson KA.  2024.  Assessing Wildfire Impact on Diffusive Flux of Parent and Alkylated PAHs: A Pilot Study of Soil-Air Chemical Movement before, during, and after Wildfires.. Environ Sci Technol.
Doherty BT, Pearce JL, Anderson KA, Karagas MR, Romano ME.  2020.  Assessment of Multipollutant Exposures During Pregnancy Using Silicone Wristbands.. Front Public Health. 8:547239.
Samon S, Rohlman D, Tidwell LG, Hoffman PD, Oluyomi AO, Anderson KA.  2022.  Associating Increased Chemical Exposure to Hurricane Harvey in a Longitudinal Panel Using Silicone Wristbands.. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 19(11)
Ackerman LK, Schwindt AR, Simonich SM, Koch DC, Blett TF, Schreck CB, Kent ML, Landers DH.  2008.  Atmospherically deposited PBDEs, pesticides, PCBs, and PAHs in western U.S. National Park fish: concentrations and consumption guidelines.. Environ Sci Technol. 42(7):2334-41.
Monica L. Vermillion Maier, Siddens LK, Pennington J, Uesugi S, Anderson KA, Tidwell LG, Tilton SC, Ognibene TJ, Turteltaub K, Smith J et al..  2022.  Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) metabolites predominant in human plasma following escalating oral micro-dosing with [C]-BaP.. Environ Int. 159:107045.
Monica L. Vermillion Maier, Siddens LK, Pennington J, Uesugi S, Tilton SC, Vertel EA, Anderson KA, Tidwell LG, Ognibene TJ, Turteltaub K et al..  2023.  Benzo[a]pyrene toxicokinetics in humans following dietary supplementation with 3,3'-diindolylmethane (DIM) or Brussels sprouts.. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. :116377.
Hillwalker WE, Anderson KA.  2014.  Bioaccessibility of metals in alloys: evaluation of three surrogate biofluids.. Environ Pollut. 185:52-8.
Sethajintanin D, Johnson ER, Loper BR, Anderson KA.  2004.  Bioaccumulation profiles of chemical contaminants in fish from the lower Willamette River, Portland Harbor, Oregon.. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 46(1):114-23.
Anderson KA, Johnson ER.  2001.  Bioavailable organochlorine pesticides in a semi-arid region of eastern Oregon, USA, as determined by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection.. J AOAC Int. 84(5):1371-82.
Allan SE, Smith BW, Tanguay RL, Anderson KA.  2012.  Bridging environmental mixtures and toxic effects.. Environ Toxicol Chem. 31(12):2877-87.
